A look inside the work of Breaking the Silence, an organization of former IDF soldiers who collect and publish testimonies of those who - like themselves - served in the Occupied Territories.
For six months, director Silvina Landsmann, camera in hand, accompanied the staff of Breaking the Silence in their daily routine: guided tours of Hebron and its rural area, public lectures and house meetings, internal staff meetings and media strategy. All the while, they were accused of fabricating stories, damaging Israel's reputation and playing into the hands of anti-Semites. Landsmann observes with a cinematic, sober eye, how the group struggles internally and externally to find its voice.
Israel, France, Germany | 87 minutes | 2021
The Good Soldier is available on Yes doco (Israel cable & streaming platform) with Hebrew and Russian subtitles.
The film was released in Germany as Silence Breakers, it is available with German subtitles on vimeo.
World Premiere - Docaviv Documentary Film Festival (Israel, 2021)
DOK Leipzig Documentary Film Festival (Germany, 2021)
Woodstock International Film Festival (USA, 2022)
Der Neue Heimatfilm Festival (Austria, 2022)
FICJA Festival Internacional de Cine Judio (Argentina, 2022)
Director & Camera: Silvina Landsmann
Producer: Silvina Landsmann, Pierre-Olivier Bardet, Christoph Menardi
Editor: Tal Shefi
Direct Sound: Guy Barkay, Nadir Fleishman, Zohar Cheppa, Sharon Luzon, Tully Chen
Sound designer: Ami Arad
Production Company: Comino Films, Idéale Audience, Neos Film
With the Participation of:
Centre National du Cinéma et de l'image animée
Aide aux Cinémas du Monde
German Federal Film Board - FFA